Dan's Discourse History
A chronology of the major scholarly work on blogs

Miller, Carolyn R. and Dawn Shepherd
"Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog"
  June 01, 2004    

From intro: "Our aim in this genre analysis of the blog is to explore the emergent culture of the early 21st century — as revealed by the self-organized communities that support blogging, the recurrent rhetorical exigences that arise there, and the rhetorical roles (or "subject positions") they support and make possible."

Related metablog posts: Notes on Miller's "Blogging as Social Action".

Miller, Carolyn R. and Dawn Shepherd. "Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog" Into the Blogosphere. Ed. Laura J. Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff, and Jessica Reyman. June 2004.

This cites (76) | Cited by (15)

Agre, P. E. (1998). Designing Genres for New Media: Social, Economic, and Political Contexts. In S. G. Jones (Ed.), Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Communication and Community (pp. 69-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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Glazebrook, Rob L. "Facilitating Conversations: Orange, Interface Design, and Electronic Discourse" Orange. 6.3 (2006).

Herring, Susan C. and John C. Paolillo. "Gender and genre variation in weblogs." Journal of Sociolinguistics, 10.4 (September 2006): 439.

Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth. "Karakter i webtekst." Rhetorica Scandinavica. 33 (2005).

Holbrook, Daniel. "Theorizing the Diary Weblog." Master's thesis. University of Chicago. 22 May, 2006.

Holmes, Ashley Joyce. "Web Logs in the Post-Secondary Writing Classroom: A Study of Purposes." Master's thesis. North Carolina State University, 2005.

Killoran, John. "Self-Published Web Resumes: Their Purposes and Their Genre Systems." Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 20.4 (2006): 425-459.

Rains, Stephen, and Anna Young. "A sign of the times: An analysis of organizational members' email signatures." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11.4 (2006).

Reichmayr, Ingrid Francisca. "Weblogs von Jugendlichen als Bühnen des Identitätsmanagements. Eine explorative Untersuchung." kommunikation@gesellschaft, 6.8 (2005).

Reid, Gwendolynne Collins. "The Rhetoric of Reality Television: A Narrative Analysis of the Structure of 'Illusion'." Master's thesis. North Carolina State University, 2005.

Schmidt, Jan. "Praktiken des Bloggens: Strukturierungsprinzipien in der Online-Kommunikation: Das Beispiel der Weblogs." Neue Kommunikationsmedien, 5.1 (2005).

Schuetz, Dorothee. "Cultural Models and Cultural Self-Awareness: A Discourse Analytical Approach to the Language of Students' Online Journal Entries." Diss. Pennsylvania State University, 2005.

Schutte, B. "The Scanning Crowd: Onderzoek naar het fenomeen weblogs." Thesis, Universiteit Utrecht. 14 March, 2005.

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van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture. 1.3 (2004).

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Schiano, Diane, et. al.
"Blogging by the Rest of Us"
  March 22, 2004    

An introduction to general individual blogging practices based on a very small survey sample.

Schiano, Diane, et. al. "Blogging by the Rest of Us." International Seminar on Learning and Technology at Work, Institute of Education, London, March 22-24 2004.

Alternate cite:

Schiano, Diane, et. al. "Blogging by the rest of us." Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 24-29 April 2004, Vienna. Published in CHI '04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, ACM Press, New York: 2004. 1143-1146.

This cites (7) | Cited by (18)

Blogger. "About."

Gillmor, D. "Help Me With 'Making the News'." E-Journal: News, Views and a Silicon Valley Diary. 11 April, 2003.

Herring, S. C., Scheidt, L. A., Bonus, S., and Wright, E. (2004). Bridging the gap: A genre analysis of weblogs. Proceedings of the 37th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press.  

Krishnamurthy, Sandeep. "The multidimensionality of blog conversations: The virtual enactment of September 11." AOIR Internet Research 3.0: Net/Work/Theory. Maastricht, The Netherlands. October 13-16 2002.

Nardi, Bonnie, Diane Schiano, Michelle Gumbrecht, and Luke Swartz. "'I'm Blogging This': A Closer Look at Why People Blog." Communications of the ACM. Forthcoming.  

National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education. Blog Census. 2003.

Nussbaum, Emily. "My So-Called Blog." The New York Times Magazine, 11 January 2004.  

Last update: December 13, 2006

Avesani, Paolo, Conor Hayes and Marco Cova. "Language Games: Solving the Vocabulary Problem in Multi-Case-Base Reasoning." Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computer Science. Springer: Berlin, 2005. 35-49.

Avesani, Paolo, Marco Cova, Conor Hayes, and Paolo Massa. "Learning Contextualised Weblog Topics." WWW2005, 2nd Annual Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics, May 10, 2005, Chiba, Japan.

Carter, Scott. "The role of the author in topical blogs." Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2-7 April 2005, Portland. CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press, New York: 2005. 1256-1259.

Chang, Ching-I, Narayan Kansal, Younah Kang, and Wade Schuette. "Evaluation of Blogger." Term paper. SI 689. University of Michigan School of Information, 2005.

Dickie, Connor, Roel Vertegaal, David Fono, Changuk Sohn, Daniel Chen, Daniel Cheng, Jeffrey S Shell, Omar Aoudeh. "Augmenting and sharing memory with eyeBlog." Proc. of the the 1st ACM workshop on Continuous archival and retrieval of personal experiences. (2004): 105-109.

Gumbrecht, Michelle. "Blogs as 'protected space'." Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis, and Dynamics: WWW 2004. New York, 17-22 May, 2004.

Harper, Christopher. "Blogging and Journalistic Practice." Fourth Media in Transition Conference, Cambridge, MA. 6-8 May, 2005.

Hendry, David, J.R. Jenkins, and Joseph McCarthy. "Collaborative Bibliography." Information Processing and Management. 42.3 (May 2006) 805-825.

Nardi, Bonnie et al. "Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary?" Proc. of the 2004 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Chicago. 6-10 November, 2004. 222-231.  

Nilsson, Joachim, and Svante Nymark. "Bloggen i det politiska arbetet: riksdagsledamöters användning av IT-artefakten blogg" Ekonomihögskolan Lunds universitet. Kandidatarbete. January, 2006.

Ohmukai, Ikki. "A Study on Information Sharing Based on Personal Network." Ph.D. Thesis. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2005.

Su, Norman Makoto, Yang Wang, Gloria Mark, Tosin Aiyelokun, and Tadashi Nakano. "A Bosom Buddy Afar Brings a Distant Land Near: Are Bloggers a Global Community?" Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2005.

Su, Norman Makoto, Yang Wang, and Gloria Mark. "Politics as Usual in the Blogosphere." Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Social Intelligence Design (SID 2005).

Takeda, Hideaki. "The State-of-Art of Weblog Research." Essay, SIG-SWO-A402-06. National Institute of Informatics, Japan. 2006.

Takhteyev, Yuri and Joseph Hall. "Blogging Together: Digital Expression in a Real-Life Community," Social Software in the Academy Workshop, Los Angeles, May 2005.

Thelwall, Mike and Liz Price. "Language evolution and the spread of ideas on the Web: A procedure for identifying emergent hybrid word family members." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57.10 (2006): 1326-1337.

Viégas, Fernanda B. "Bloggers' Expectations of Privacy and Accountability: An Initial Survey." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10.3 (2005): article 12.

Vuorinen, Kimmo. "Using weblogs for discussion." Master's thesis. University of Tampere, January 2005.

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Herring, Susan et al.
"Bridging the gap: a genre analysis of weblogs"
  January 05, 2004    

From abstract: "This paper presents the results of a content analysis of 203 randomly-selected weblogs, comparing the empirically observable features of the corpus with popular claims about the nature of weblogs, and finding them to differ in a number of respects."

Related metablog posts: Bridging the Gap: Surprisingly Worthless, Bridging the Gap: Not so bad.

Herring, Susan C., Lois A. Scheidt, Sabrina Bonus, and Elijah Wright. Bridging the gap: A genre analysis of weblogs. Proc. of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5-8 January 2004, Big Island, Hawaii. Los Alamitos: IEEE Press, 2004.

This cites (28) | Cited by (66)

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Blood, R. (2002). The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. Cambridge MA: Perseus Publishing.  

Cavanaugh, T. (2002). Let slip the blogs of war. In J. Rodzvilla (Ed.), We've Got Blog: How Weblogs are Changing Our Culture (pp. 188-197). Cambridge, MA: Perseus.

Chandler, D. (1998). Personal homepages and the construction of identities on the Web.

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Crowston, K. & Williams, M. (2000). Reproduced and emergent genres of communication on the World-Wide Web. The Information Society, 16, 201-216.

Dillon, A. and Gushrowski, B.A. (2000). Genre and the Web: Is the personal home page the first uniquely digital genre? Journal of The American Society for Information Science, 51, 202-205.

Doering, N. (2002). Personal home pages on the Web: A review of research. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 7.

Erickson, T. (2000). Making sense of computermediated communication (CMC): Conversations as genres, CMC systems as genre ecologies. In Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Festa, P. (2003). Blogging comes to Harvard.

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Halavais, A. (2002). Blogs and the "social weather". Maastricht, The Netherlands: Internet Research 3.0.

Herring, S.C. (1996). Two variants of an electronic message schema. In S.C. Herring (Ed.), Computer- Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives (pp.81-106). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Herring, S.C. (2003). Gender and power in online communication. In J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff (Eds.), The Handbook of Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell.

Holbrook, Daniel. "Theorizing the Diary Weblog." Master's thesis. University of Chicago. 22 May, 2006.

Hourihan, Meg. "What We're Doing When We Blog." O'Reilly Network, June 13, 2002.  

Krishnamurthy, S. (2002). The Multidimensionality of Blog Conversations: The Virtual Enactment of September 11. In Maastricht, The Netherlands: Internet Research 3.0.

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Yates, J. & Orlikowski, W.J. (1991). Genres of organizational communication: An approach to studying communication and media. MIT Sloan School of Management.

Last updated: June 3, 2006

Bar-Ilan, Judit. "Information hub blogs." Journal of Information Science. 31.4, 2005. 297-307.

Bortree, Denise Sevick. "Presentation of self on the Web: an ethnographic study of teenage girls' weblogs." Education, Communication & Information. 5.1 (March 2005): 25-39.

Carter, Scott. "The role of the author in topical blogs" Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2-7 April 2005, Portland. CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press, New York: 2005. 1256-1259.

Chang, Ching-I, Narayan Kansal, Younah Kang, and Wade Schuette. "Evaluation of Blogger." Term paper. SI 689. University of Michigan School of Information, 2005.

Chao, Ruey-Ming, Sheng-Wen Lo and Yi-Ting Chang. "A study of using AHP OLAP service and blog to construct a quantitative and qualitative assessment environment." Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2005. Proceedings of 2005 International Conference. Vol. 4. 18-21 August, 2005.

Chu, Wayne. "Media Monitoring Using Social Networks." Honor's project. COMP 4905. Carleton University. 8 April 2005.

Cukier, Wendy L., Susan Cody, and Eva J. Nesselroth. "Genres of Spam: Expectations and Deceptions." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06) Track 3, (2006): 51a.

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Davis, Brian and Karrie Karahalious. "Telelogs: a social communication space for urban environments." Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services, Salzburg, Austria. (2005): 231-234.

de Moore, Aldo, and Lilia Efimova. "An Argumentation Analysis of Weblog Conversations." Proc. of the 9th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, 2004.

Dickie, Connor, Roel Vertegaal, David Fono, Changuk Sohn, Daniel Chen, Daniel Cheng, Jeffrey S Shell, Omar Aoudeh. "Augmenting and sharing memory with eyeBlog." Proc. of the the 1st ACM workshop on Continuous archival and retrieval of personal experiences. (2004): 105-109.

Doostdar, Alireza. "'The Vulgar Spirit of Blogging': On Language, Culture, and Power in Persian Weblogestan." American Anthropologist. 106.4 (Dec 2004):651-663.

Efimova, Lilia, and A. de Moor. "Beyond personal webpublishing: An exploratory study of conversational blogging practices." Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'05), Los Alamitos: IEEE Press. 2005.

Efimova, Lilia, Stephanie Hendrick, and Anjo Anjewierden. "Finding 'the life between buildings': An approach for defining a weblog community." AOIR Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations, Chicago. October 2005.

Efimova, Lilia and Stephanie Hendrick. "In Search For a Virtual Settlement: An Exploration of Weblog Community Boundaries." Telematica Insituut, The Netherlands. 2004.

Efimova, Lilia, Sebastian Fiedler, Carla Verwijs, and Andy Boyd. "Legitimised theft: distributed apprenticeship in weblog networks." I-KNOW '04, 30 June-2 July 2004, Graz, Austria.

Efimova, Lilia. "Understanding personal knowledge management: A weblog case." Telematica Instituut: Works in Progress. (18 April, 2005.)

Farmer, James. "Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments." Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education 2004, Perth. 5-8 December.

Grudin, Jonathan. "Enterprise Knowledge Management and Emerging Technologies." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06) Track 3. (2006): 57.

Gumbrecht, Michelle. "Blogs as 'protected space'." Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis, and Dynamics: WWW 2004. New York: ACM Press. 2004.

Hendry, David G. and Allyson Carlyle. "Hotlist or Bibliography? A Case of Genre on the Web," Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06) Track 3, 2006. 51b.

Herring, Susan C., Inna Kouper, John C. Paolillo, Lois Ann Scheidt, Michael Tyworth, Peter Welsch, Elijah Wright, and Ning Yu. "Conversations in the Blogosphere: An Analysis 'From the Bottom Up'." Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'05), Los Alamitos: IEEE Press. 2005: 107b.

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Walker, Jill
"Final version of weblog definition"
  June 28, 2003    

A 500-word definition of the blog.

Walker, Jill. "Final version of weblog definition." jill/txt. 28 June 2003.

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Baoill, Andrew. "Conceptualizing The Weblog: Understanding What It Is In Order To Imagine What It Can Be." Interfacings: A Journal of Contemporary Media Studies. February 8, 2005.

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Efimova, Lilia, Stephanie Hendrick, and Anjo Anjewierden. "Finding 'the life between buildings': An approach for defining a weblog community." AOIR Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations, Chicago. October 2005.

Efimova, Lilia and Stephanie Hendrick. "In Search For a Virtual Settlement: An Exploration of Weblog Community Boundaries." Telematica Insituut, The Netherlands. 2004.

Efimova, L., and S. Fiedler. "Learning webs: Learning in weblog networks." Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2004 (pp. 490-494). Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press. (2004).

Holbrook, Daniel. "Theorizing the Diary Weblog." Master's thesis. University of Chicago. 22 May, 2006.

Karlsson, Lena. "The Diary Weblog and the Travelling Tales of Diasporic Tourists." Journal of Intercultural Studies. 27.3 (August 2006) 299-312.

Keshelashvili, Ana. "Patterns of Self-Expression and Impression Management in Blogs." Master's thesis. Louisiana State University, 2004.

Mack, Alexandra and Dina Mehta. "Accelerating Collaboration with Social Tools." Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, Redmond. 14-15 November, 2005.

Miller, Carolyn R. and Dawn Shepherd. "Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog" Into the Blogosphere. Ed. Laura J. Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff, and Jessica Reyman. June 2004.  

Möller, Knud. "A Generalised Approach for Generating Semantic Metadata in the Blogosphere." Digital Enterprise Seminar. December 15, 2005.

Möller, Knud, and S. Decker. "Harvesting Desktop Data for Semantic Blogging." 1st Workshop on the Semantic Desktop at ISWC2005, Galway, Ireland, 2005, 79–91.

Möller, Knud, J. G. Breslin, and S. Decker. "semiBlog - Semantic Publishing of Desktop Data." 14th Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2005), Proceedings, Karlstad, Sweden. August 2005.

Pérez, Rosanna Mestre. "Coordenadas para una cartografía de las bitácoras electrónicas: ocho rasgos de los weblogs escritos como diarios íntimos" El Ecosistema Digital. Ed. Guillermo López García. 2005.

Santos, Luís António and Manuel Pinto. "Weblogs and Journalism : an uneasy relation (the Portuguese case)" International Association for Media Communication Research Conf., Porto Alegre, Brazil. 25-30 July 2004.

Scheidt, Lois Ann. "Adolescent diary weblogs and the unseen audience." Digital Generations: Children, Young
People and New Media. David Buckingham and Rebekah Willett, eds. London: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2006.

Trammell, Kaye, et al. "Evolution of Online Campaigning: Increasing Interactivity in Candidate Web Sites and Blogs Through Text and Technical Features." Mass Communication & Society. 9.1: (2006). 24-44.

Weisensee, Nils. "Der Tsunami in der Blogosphäre: Eine empirische Analyse und systemtheoretische Bewertung journalistischer Kommunikation im Weblog-Netzwerk." Magisterarbeit. University of Trier, 26 December 2005.

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Blood, Rebecca
"Weblogs: a history and perspective"
  September 07, 2000    

The history of the weblog and its evolution. Discussion of the genre's protean nature and potential.

Related metablog posts: The Best of Blood.

Blood, Rebecca. "Weblogs: A History and Perspective." Rebecca's Pocket. 07 September 2000.

Later published as:

Blood, Rebecca. "Weblogs: A History and Perspective." We've Got Blog: How Weblogs are Changing Our Culture. Ed. J. Rodzvilla. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2002. 7-16.

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Image Red are a design and marketing agency, a website production company and a software design agency. We have a vast service and product range including banner / billboard advertising, LCD touch screen systems, shop window advert projection using the very latest technology in daylight projectors, brochures, brand development from conception to business stationary design and printing, all forms of point of sale advertising, website design , website build and hosting solutions ranging from small business websites to public sector websites in a diverse range of applications from facial recognition to e-commerce, Promat (Profile Matching System) which is a video identification system used by the police forces widely throughout the country and oversees and Maps (Multiple Album Profiling System) which is a product for doing witness viewing albums to help the police identify possible suspects by showing the witness a number of known felons images. If you require any help with anything in your business relating to marketing your products and services effectively then please ring our friendly sales team on 01282 442460 who are ready to take your call now.
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Headstones gravestones or memorials for children adults are pets from Headstones.co.uk.
Memorial service from UK Memorial Service one of the largest stone mason companies in the UK that provide gravestones and memorials for all.

posted by Blogger stev4n at 2:24 PM  

London chauffeur company for all chauffeur driven cars in the London areas including Heathrow Stansted Gatwick and Biggin Hill
Limo Sheffield Doncaster and Worksop from Stretched to the Extreme a Yorkshire limo hire company.
Limo hire east Sussex and Brighton from East Sussex Limo hire, an NLCA limo member providing a corporate limo service.
Take advantage of lower flight prices now and let Airport transfer Heathrow get you to your preferred Airport on time every time.
If you’re traveling from Cambridge to Stansted , Huntingdon to Stansted, Stansted to Luton, Gatwick to Cambridge
Or any UK airport, rail terminal and Seaport Airport transfer Heathrow will get you there on time in style.
Limo Hire East Sussex provide a professional limo hire service in Brighton Torquay and the surrounding areas.
Limo hire Oxford from The Oxford Limo Company, providing a limo service for all events and occasions such as weddings and birthdays and much more.
Hire Limo Leicester are providers of stretch limos and limo buses in Leicester Nottingham and the West Midlands
Hire Limo Cardiff for all your stretch limousines in Cardiff and the surrounding areas.
Limo hire in London, Limo Hire in London are part of the 1st Event Group a 1st class limo hire service for all of London.
Limo hire Kent and Surrey for limousines in and around north London contact Main Event Limos, a professional limo hire service.

posted by Blogger stev4n at 2:25 PM  

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