Dan's Discourse History
A chronology of the major scholarly work on blogs

Barger, Jorn
"Weblog resources FAQ"
  September 16, 1999    

An early weblog FAQ. Commonly referred to without being actually cited.

Barger, Jorn. "Weblog resources FAQ." Robot Wisdom. 16 September, 1999.

This cites (0) | Cited by (21)

Last updated: December 17, 2006

Bass, David. "Weblogs, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Specifications, OPML, and the Development of Weblog Ecosystems." IPSI-2004, Purdue University, 8-11 July 2004.

Branum, James M. "The Blogging Phenomenon: An Overview and Theoretical Consideration." Term paper. MC 5303 - Theories of Mass Communication, Southwest Texas State University. 2001.

de Oliveira, Rosa Meire Carvalho. "De onda em onda: a evolucao dos ciberdiarios e a simplificacao das interfaces." Biblioteca on-line de ciencias da comunicacao. 2003.

de Oliveira, Rosa Meire Carvalho. "Diarios publicos, mundos privados: Diario intimo como genero discursivo e suas transformacoes na contemporaneidade." Diss. Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2003.

Downes, Stephen. "Educational Blogging." EDUCAUSE Review. 39.5 (September/October 2004): 14-26.

Du, Helen, and Christian Wagner. "Success in the 'Blogosphere': Exploring the Role of Technology." Pacific Asia Conf. on Information Systems, 7-10 July, Bangkok. 2005.

Garrod, Penny. "Weblogs: Do they belong in libraries?" Ariande. 40 (July 2004).

Green, D.T., and J.M Pearson. "Social Software and Cyber Networks: Ties That Bind or Weak Associations within the Political Organization?" Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'05), Los Alamitos: IEEE Press. 3-6 January, 2005.

Holbrook, Daniel. "Theorizing the Diary Weblog." Master's thesis. University of Chicago. 22 May, 2006.

Huann, Tan Yuh, Ow Eu Gene John, and Jeanne Marie Ho Pau Yuen. "Weblogs in Education." IT Literature Review. 2005

Knox, Ian. "Community Voice — A new electronic communication model for local communities." Kingston: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. June 2005.

Lehel, Vanda, and Florian Matthes. "Integration von Weblog-Funktionen in eine betriebliche Standardsoftware zum Wissensmanagement." Wissensnetz zur KnowTech 2004. 18 October.

Lehel, Vanda, Florian Matthes, and Klaus Steinfatt. "Weblogs als ein innovatives Instrument des betrieblichen Wissensmanagements." Mensch and Computer 2003: Interaktion in Bewegung. Ed. G. Szwillus, J. Ziegler Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 2003. 229-238.

Lemos, Andre. "A arte da vida: diarios pessoais e webcams na Internet." Texto Apresentado no GT Sociedade Tecnologica – 11º COMPOS, 2002.

Liu, Chiang-chao. "The Preliminary Study of Social Network and Self-presentation in Blogosphere." Master's thesis. National Sun Yat-Sen University, July 11, 2005.

Lopez, Irene Rengel. "La utilizacion periodistica y la integracion del formato blog en diarios digitales europeos tradicionales. Los casos de 'Elmundo.es' y 'Guardian Unlimited'." Athenea Digital, 8 (Fall 2005).

Martindale, Trey, and David A. Wiley. Using Weblogs in Scholarship and Teaching. TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning. 49.2 (Mar/Apr2005): 55-61.

Mathes, Adam. "Weblogs In Libraries: Opportunities and Challenges." Essay. Reference Sources and Services - LIS404A. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 2004.

Parzuchowski, Michal. "'Ja Tez Nie Cierpie Polityki': Relacyjna Funkcja Narzekania." Psychologii Jakosci Zycia. 4.1 (2005).

Wagner, Christian. "Put another (B)Log on the Wire: Publishing Learning Logs as Weblogs." Journal of Information Systems Education. 14.2 (2003).

Wagner, Christian, and Narasimha Bolloju, "Supporting Knowledge Management in Organizations with Conversational Technologies: Discussion Forums, Weblogs and Wikis," Journal of Database Management, 16:2 (2005): i-viii.


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