The Further Adventures of Hiatus
Sunday, November 22, 2009
10:17 PM
It may be some time yet before I get back this. It was fun, but I still don't have a comfortable blogging setup in my new house (my main distraction this past year) and I still haven't found the extra time I'll need in my week in order to start up again properly.
(If you didn't know, I'm an extremely slow blogger.)
I have no tolerance for glacial blogs and no idea when I'll be able to figure this out, so I don't want you waiting on some expected future update. I mean, I definitely didn't get back to you in six months after my last post. Sorry about that, by the way.
When and if I'm blogging here regularly again, I'll also start reading and commenting on my favorite language blogs again, so if you're hip to those that's how you'll know I'm back. See you in the blogrolls, as they say.
In the meantime I've been getting a lot of spam comments lately — the nasty things prey on old, neglected blogs like this one — so I'm going to disable new comments. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Think reactive, not reactionary