Good Stuff: 6/21/07
Thursday, June 21, 2007
11:38 AM
Derek's ALIA Blog - WordsThis blog — which is about
libraries or something — has one of the best "Word of the Day" feature I've ever seen. Derek has a knack for finding interesting, novel words —
runtogether — that illustrate useful concepts. And thanks to the magic of labels, I can make it look like that's all he ever writes about. Oh, and here's an
RSS feed for the Words-only version.
BehipsteredI'm not as big of fan of
Wordlustitude, which is best read like
The Onion, but occasionally it pays off: this word is so useful that I suspect I've used it already.
The Chocolate InterrobangThis language blog has an interesting Algonquin-style approach.
Language Hat linked to it the other day — while he noted (correctly) that there's "a fair amount of tedious pop-grammatical blather," he also espied some nuggets of goodness. I'm predictably fond of anti-prescriptivism posts like "
The leftover Latin curse" and "
To blithely split infinitives: a group collaboration in Draft form..." Split supines!
Paint self out of cornerAt
headsup: the blog, there's some useful, simple advice for writing headlines: put the subject noun up front. This is one of the central tenets of the
reader-focused writing I learned in grad school.
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