Is awesome. I've beaten the game once by myself, and gotten about 2/3 of the way through with both Jonas and, separately, my brother and one of his friends.
So good. So much to collect. Although I kinda wish I'd limited myself to a single session today, as I'm a little burnt out now. That kazoo music is stuck in my head.
Otherwise. I went to Shelley and Nick's cookout yesterday, as state law requires everyone to attend at least one Labor Day weekend cookout. That was pretty fun.
Since Ben and Nora and Nora's hookah left, there hasn't been enough sitting around outdoors and drinking. I don't think that I need to detail the advantages that scenario has over going out to the bars twice a week.
My goal for the fall is to have at least one campfire. That would bring our house total to... two campfires this year.