I saw The Happening last week. If you were thinking about watching it, I'd recommend waiting until it's on TNT on a Sunday afternoon and you've got absolutely nothing else to do. Only the bit parts seem to have been properly cast; the dialogue and the plot are literally unbelievable. There are a few nice set pieces — it seems like you can always count on M. Night Shyamalan for that — but not nearly enough of them to salvage the film.
And it's frustrating, because there's a better movie in there somewhere. I think it got left in the park.
There were some cool trailers attached to The Happening. I want to see the new X-Files movie because it looks good, and Wanted because it looks ridiculous. However, I'm not sure that I could see either movie in the theater without getting annoyed by my fellow moviegoers.
Library movie rentals are still free, so on Saturday I watched Man of the Century, which doesn't completely succeed either. But at least it had a cool premise (a 1920s movie character in a modern film) and some intentionally funny moments.