So Ben and I just finished watching the second episode of The Lost Room, a three-part miniseries on the Sci-fi network. If you like Lost for the mysteries and not just the love triangle, I highly recommend this show. It's very well done, but you will need a sense of wonder and mystery: no jaded would-be hipsters allowed.
Tune in or download it (Sci-fi very stupidly runs previews of what's coming up at every commercial break, so downloading might be preferable), I don't care. Also, if I've already convinced you to watch it, please do not go looking it up, you'll only spoil some stuff unnecessarily. I am not messing with you.
Also neglected but recommended: Andy Richter Controls the Universe. What the hell is wrong with you?
I know! Three posts in a row about television! I promise that the next post will only partially be about watching t.v. I do other things, really.