I started writing this post about how nobody's perfect and that's OK, or that was the gist of it, but I crossed out "nobody's perfect," not just because it's an incredibly banal sentiment, and tried some other statements, like "everyone is disappointing," but they weren't quite right either — and no, this wasn't an allusion to someone in particular, I didn't even start it that way and edit it into generalities; my motives were 95% pure, and that's good for what you're paying me — but this post, I don't know.
There was a split second when I sensed an answer welling up, and I felt that if I were just able to get ahold of a little bit of it and pull, then everything would make sense. I guess this is what's left on your fingers when it slips away.
Lost the plot: a phrase I learned by listening to Modest Mouse.
Or there is no such string. Or even if there was, were, how would it make life any easier? There is no Key 23, but once upon a time, there were Fritzellians around to crack up when someone said "adulthood." As if sheep existed, and all that.
It's like that.