A mesmerizing three-part Law and Order miniseries airing the night before I have to move, the night before I also have to drive to Minnetonka in the morning, and mere hours after a good, albeit less-than-rousing Mariokart drinking game? Oh, and there was ice cream, a lot of sugary sweet ice cream.
Fate is cruel, and I am weak.
It's my last night at Passive-Aggressive Place. The apartment is filled with boxes — how can girls, how can anyone, own so many things? — and, with both my roommates absent, it already seems empty.
I don't look forward to moving tomorrow — though I know from experience that I can move everything I own in about three hours, Jenna and Markie are pretty dug into this place — but having-moved (and sleeping afterwards)... that will be sweet. For as little time as I've lived here, it feels like I'm getting a blank slate of sorts by moving ten minutes east.