Adam's bachelor party: top secret.
Good times, though, well worth the trip. Adam's friends from Drake, particularly the other two groomsmen, were pretty cool. And it was really good to spend some time with Adam; I have no phone skills and we live many states apart from one another, so we haven't had many chances to talk recently.
And wow, the booze. I think I've had alcohol at least six days in a row now, since "PR Night" on Wednesday. I haven't drank that much in a long time: ten beers, a whiskey-coke, and three shots. Thankfully, I trained under the best.
That's all I can say. On Sunday I finally revisited the Art Institute of Chicago. "American Gothic" is overrated, but they had some paintings by Magritte and Ernst so it was time well spent.
Later I met up with a fellow maphiosi, the Strategist, up in Lincoln Park, where I taught a bartender how to make a good vodka gimlet. Oh, vodka gimlets.
Megabus continues to rock, though the first busdriver kept listening to what must be the Jamaican equivalent to Muzak and was unable to do anything about the bus's constant beeping for eight hours.