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Because everyone loves a farce

Thursday, May 25   1:47 PM

Destination B-town

Scott Wolven spoke to our class today; I couldn't imagine a better class discussion with an author. Lots of good stuff.

Always curious about punctuation, Our Bold Hero asked Wolven about his use of commas. He reads over them very quickly, you see. Wolven fans take note: apparently they're breath commas (or less), and Wolven is using them to "speed up" the story. Strange, but it works once you're used to it.

After my classes were finally over, I rushed home to watch Lost. I decided to wait for the high-res versions, which was totally worth it, but that meant spending another day — on top of the week that's passed since the last episode — trying, trying to dodge Lost spoilers, with mixed success.

(There are no spoilers in this post.)

As it turns out, the worst of the spoilers was a false alarm: I spent the day disgruntled after accidentally glancing at Zombie Joel's Lost post, but reading it now, I realize that it was about season one.

And my favorite part of season one: the episode right before they open it up and the bees come out and they're all running away like "bees! bees!" And Hurley's like "I told you they were bad! Beeeeeees!"

This season's finale was a good episode though, a lot going on. They finally explained the "village" — Lawrentians know what I'm talking about. No really: think hard. I referred to it all the time.

I took some very revealing screenshots for hardcore Losties to parse:

If you haven't guessed already, I am militantly anti-spoiler. I think my aesthetic experiences are much better when I have no idea what I'm getting into.

Case in point, Josie and the Pussycats, which derives much of its appeal from the fact that people always think it will be bad, and are always pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I forget how low people's expectations are and preface the showing with a bunch of caveats.

That's why I hate trailers. Occasionally a very good trailer can make you excited for a movie you wouldn't see, but trailers always show scenes from much too late in the movie.

I'm going to see X-Men 3, hopefully this weekend — what more do I need to know? Psyching myself up for a movie usually only raises my expectations to impossible heights, and I'm easily dissapointed as is.

Adventure and excitement this weekend: I'm going home for Josh's graduation party. It means missing the MAPH cruise, a.k.a. "MAPH prom," which is a huge shame because now it's got all this buzz, but I haven't been home since Christmas, if I'm not mistaken.

And apparently I'm taking Jenna back to Chicago with me. No doubt we'll spend the seven-hour busride concocting an apartment chore-wheel that's tough but fair. Or deciding on a procedure for selecting each day's "secret word."

No replies from anywhere yet, still. If I'm ever the boss-man (again), I will make my rejections explicit. Keep a few people in limbo, certainly, so you have a backup, but tell the other applicants. It's common courtesy.

I mean, I appreciate that it's more convenient for them this way, but some of us have to plan our lives here...

Of course, excitement aside, I also have to write like three papers before Tuesday — thankfully, as I tell myself every morning: I am the Galactus of the short essay.

And when I'm finished, hopefully on Monday, I'll be done, done-done, a full week before graduation. It'll be like when I was here this fall, but with furniture.

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