Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Thursday, March 9   12:09 PM

Also: Wolverine movie in 2007

And sometimes Wikipedia totally screws up my life. But now I know Wolverine's backstory, so I guess that hour of lost sleep was worth it.

Why should I get sucked into the endlessly-branching Marvel Universe entries when my thesis project, and the book I should be reading for class, are just as interesting? Is irresponsibility itself that enjoyable?

Much thanks for wasting my work morning. I suppose it's retaliation for that goats post I made way back when.

Oh god, goats. I never really got into it, either; I just couldn't stop reading. With some effort (and several new webcomics, e.g. White Ninja and Qwantz) I was able to wean myself off of that particular addiction.

It's an addiction that's not really attractive or fulfilling, yet you continue with it just the same because there's nothing better to do. Or something better to do that doesn't want doing.

There are a couple webcomics out there that aren't particularly interesting, yet you go on reading anyway. The dinosaur one you posted previously, which I'd seen before, isn't great, and the art leaves me with a general "why-the-fuck-am-I-reading-this" feeling, but read it I did anyway. It's akin to popping an infinite amount of M&Ms. There's always one more comic and you can always take that extra 30 seconds to read it. Then there go a couple hours.

Wikipedia entries are largely the same.

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