So I'm really into "Twin Peaks," in a sort of why-god-did-I-delete-all-but-two-episodes-before-watching-any-of-them sort of way. So far I can't find any libraries with the DVDs, and the VCR on my TV-VCR combo isn't up to the task. But this can be a long-term project.
Ditched Stranger in a Strange Land and moved on to my Faulkner anthology, though I've been too enamoured of my computer lately to do much in the way of reading. Trying to download old episodes of "Law and Order" on a 56k, and failing.
I seem to recall reading a good short story by Heinlein at some point, but this book, supposedly one of his best, got real irritating after about 200 otherwise promising pages. I scoffed at Jubb earlier this summer when he said he wasn't enjoying the ending, but now I understand.
If I want some author's theories about life shoved down my throat this transparently (ah yes, transparent shoving...), I'll read Ayn Rand. Angel characters in books are about as subtle as monkey characters in movies.
I exempt the "Preacher" comic book series from this criticism. I just finished reading all of them and was quite impressed. A little better than "The Watchmen," though as good as "Sandman." Read "Sandman" before you die.
I should be going to museums instead of reading comics and re-watching Simpsons episodes, but I've trapped myself at home for the next week. Even after shipping most stuff is cheaper online, and I've got three or four packages coming for me this week. Sometimes I forget exactly what I've ordered.
I have to sign for all of these, of course, which means waiting for the postman. In the past he's come as early as 10 and as late as 5, usually the latter. So I'll be a bit of a shut-in (though I've got an important interview on Thursday: money! yes!) for a while. A perfect time to watch "Twin Peaks," but noooo, I needed hard drive space.