So I'm posting this from the library because we don't yet have the Internet, or even a telephone line, in our apartment. It's a nice place, though. Overlooking the river, across the hall from a professor...
I can't remember our address, but I'm pretty sure I can find my way back there. It's very close to Lawrence, so I'm hoping I can start using my bike to get around. Very old school.
We've only had a few guests to the place so far. The Intended stopped by last night to watch a movie with Our Bold Hero and her beloved Politician. And Sockless Pete and Alan came by the night after graduation and hung out for a bit.
The fact that I won't see Alan for at least six months, while he's in China and whatnot, is the only striking change so far. He's really the only person I saw every day who isn't living here this summer. If he ever sets up a blog I'll link to it.
The graduation ceremony was decent enough, by the way. We didn't get a big speaker, instead there were three little speakers of varying quality. Everything dragged on except my time on the stage, which I can hardly remember. Those who wish can now refer to me as line designation, G-11R. Or simply G-11 for short.
Afterwards a quick lunch with my family and a few errands, I went back to the room and helped Jubb move and dealt with Hiett 218's own "tragedy of the commons," i.e. the mess in the center room. Jubb left on a roadtrip as soon as he finished, bequeathing me most of his food.
And now... well, I don't have a job yet, but I'm making another go at it today. Preferably somewhere where I can get free food, cheapo that I am. I've been playing too much GTA for my own good, so I've checked out some books (Samuel Delany's Babel-17 and Joseph Epstein's Snobbery) so that my brain doesn't turn into goo. And I'm going to start playing Frisbee golf again in my spare time, since so many people who play live in the area.