Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Thursday, May 12   3:19 PM

On The Lawrentian

Yesterday was my last night at The Lawrentian. Believe me, I would have taken a few pictures if my camera wasn't so very broken. I have to stop dropping expensive things I love.

It was me, the girl who replaced Representative Man as editor-in-chief, my former coworker Ol' Layout, who stopped by to check up on us and stayed a while, and a new layout editor who I may despise. Ol' Layout, wisely, chose to leave after a few hours.

The rest of us were stuck there until 6:15. With the exception of Jubb's girlfriend Amelia II, no one had their stuff done before the deadline. So I blame everyone. Especially the layout editor, who was both whiny and unskilled. He tendered his resignation before the night was out.

Complaining aside though, I never got that tired. Even walking home, the new day so obviously upon us, I wondered if I shouldn't just stay up.

Instead, I went to sleep and missed both my classes.

I feel more nostalgic than tired, and not only because last night reminded me of those first nights at the Lawrentian, when sunrises were a common sight. No, it's hard to underestimate the importance of The Lawrentian to me in the past year I've worked there. I had this whole other group of people, some of whom I like quite a bit, completely separate from my day-to-day activities.

(Brainerdites might note that I tend to do that anyways.)

What's more, at the Lawrentian, my English geekness and obsessive-compulsiveness -- which usually just alienate me from the group in everyday conversation -- became useful, even appreciated. If I ultimately assumed duties far greater than a copy chief should have, it's because I ended up really caring about what went into each issue; if anything, I regret not taking a more active role in the newspaper here. There are so many good stories at Lawrence that never get in the paper, usually due to writer laziness or general ineptitude.

For a year now, if I was frustrated with regular Lawrence society -- as I often am -- I could go to Mursell House on Wednesdays and enter a different world with different priorities. I'll miss that.

And there was pizza. That also deserves a mention.

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