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Because everyone loves a farce

Tuesday, May 31   12:59 PM

I mean, streak? What streak?

So now that Deep Throat has been identified, the most influential person whose name we don't know is clearly LU streak 2005 at hotmail dot com, who has taken it upon his or herself to organize this year's streak. I've been conducting a whisper campaign for '80s-style streaking (yes, that's the shame talking) for weeks, but someone needed to take it to the next level.

For those of you who don't know, the Senior Streak is an annual event that has been going on for… well, the The Lawrentian doesn't usually print an issue this late in the year, so who knows, really. Certainly streaking itself has been a Lawrence tradition since the '60s. And it's a tradition worth saving. As I blogged a few years ago:

The Senior Streak isn't just a yearly stunt by graduating seniors; it's an expression of freedom and equality. For once, the Morlocks and the Eloi were cheered together; everyone gutsy enough to bare all was praised. It was a brief moment in time where (disregarding the calculating leers of the more opportunistic audience members) looks no longer mattered. Because if they had, none of us would have been cheering that often.

I might add that it's also a bit of a protest, since the administration doesn't seem to like the idea. The streak is (traditionally) the same night as the Senior Dinner, so people get plastered there to save money at the VR, and in the past some people have gotten a little too drunk. Also, the Appleton police, who keep the local lookie-lous away and the naked Lawrentians out of the city, were until recently under the impression that it was a campus-sponsored event, which embarrassed Lawrence.

So odd that a school that's usually so relaxed about any number of things decided to care about this. LU streak 2005 was smart enough to use or (what amounts to the same thing) claim to be using someone else's computer; last year the administration tapped the organizer's email and tried to track her/him down.

The question remains: who is this mysterious organizer? I'd love to be a suspect, but we all know I'm all talk, too lazy to take charge of something like this.

But the relatively well-written email, with its playful tone ("therefore, let us shed our clothes […] and scamper around campus") could only have come from a few dozen people in our class. All I'm willing to say for sure is that the provocateur is probably a girl: most guys wouldn't use such giddy polysyndeton ("years and years and years") or say they had to "pirate a computer."

Who had the motive, the know-how, and the writing voice to do such a thing? I can think of a few people, and maybe I'll find out tomorrow, or maybe not.

Whoever it was, mark well her words: "Don't let this tradition die!"

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