Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Tuesday, May 31   1:02 AM

The Bird

Coming back (all too early) from the library today, I was attacked by a crazed seagull between Main Hall and Science Hall. The first time I thought it was coincidence, but it kept on cawing and swooping really low, right at me. I kept walking but it kept getting lower and lower.

Frankly, I don't know how I'd go about fighting a bird. Do I cover my eyes? Do I just swing with both fists and knock it to the ground? No, I'm not trained for this.

After the third attack, I decided that this wasn't a coincidence, and I looked around for eggs or little seagulls or fish and there was nothing there.

Because seagulls are incapable of evil I gave the bird the benefit of the doubt and picked up the pace. The seagull followed me and swooped again, and that's when I shouted "What the hell?" and started laughing, attracting the attention of a few passerby. It came at me again but banked up and flew away when I ran next to Science Hall.

I could write about how much writing I didn't get done and how much work I have yet to do, but that's probably the most interesting thing that's happened to me in a while.

And it beats out Zack's 30-minute Illuminati win this Friday as the most inexplicable event in recent memory. There's been some tough competition in that category this May. I'm tempted to make a list.

No Monday night VR club tonight, the bar was closed. It was probably for the best.

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