So this is the closest thing 218 has to a bulletin board.
It'll have to do.
Let it be proclaimed throughout the land that this Thursday, at 7:45, there will be a presidential debate drinking game in our room.
The rules, worked out this weekend by the Politician, Alan, and Our Bold Hero, are as follows:
1. You have to drink when your word is said by either candidate. But not the moderator or anyone else.
2. One person per word. At 7:45 on Thursday, we draw for choice order. So don't be late. Or get a proxy to draw for you.
3. You also get any words with the same root. "Terrorism" would get you "terrorist," "terror," etc.
4. BYOB. Or whatever kind of alcohol you want to drink.
5. Latecomers must make up all missed drinks to participate.
The person whose word is said the most will get a special prize, provided they don't throw up on our wonderful carpet.