So this site, and my dad's company webpage, have both been down all week. This was not scheduled downtime. As my server administrator put it:
Sure enough, Tuesday morning the master hard disk failed due to what now appears to be a poor power issue.
So that was very bad. But he made a backup.
When the backup drive was mounted, all data older than July 4th was missing. There is no explanation as to why this happened.
So that is very bad. Not for this page; all my posts were saved at Blogger anyways. But the website I've been designing for my dad took quite the hit. I lost about 50 hours worth of work, and the inventory was reduced to 116 products from a modest 183.
The server people are sending the failed hard disk to a disaster recovery center, so I'm hesitant to start re-adding products just yet. Which leaves me with nothing to do, just when I was planning to buckle down and get it done.