Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Monday, May 10   3:57 PM

Jonas and the Super Big Day

So last night our little Jonas finally became a man, in the strictest legal sense of the word. As was the case on The Politician's birthday, attendance yesterday was sparse; it was, after all, a Sunday.

Still, we managed to collect a fairly good group, with guest appearances by a few people who knew about the party and had pressing homework.

After the three-hour season finale of "Survivor: All-Stars," it began. Well, not immediately after. But not at the same time or beforehand, that's for sure.

From left to right: Freshman Matt, an increasingly-intoxicated Jonas, Jubb with girly shot and kung fu grip, The Politician, about half of Our Bold Hero, and Jubb's drinking buddy whose name I haven't yet decided on.

After midnight we hit the bars. The Politician, Jonas, Sockless Pete and I went to three bars, with varying degrees of sketchiness.

Here's a scene from The Firefly, my first and favorite Appleton bar. The Viking Room, or VR — our campus bar is sometimes actually pronounced "Ver" — is a close second, oddly enough, because it's not filled with townies in their mid-forties like the other bars.

And they have free pool. I rock at pool, at least when you compare it to the other things I do.

Let the record show that Jonas felt most at home in the "Apple Pub," the most crowded and sketchy bar we visited.

Here's Jonas in the last bar, Jekyll's, holding the remains of a Long Island ice tea.
He's drunk drunk drunk drunk. Go us!

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