Friday night, a spectacular failure event-wise, shall be glossed over.
Saturday we rounded up some people for a low-stakes game of Texas Hold 'Em.
Here's The Politician gathering up his chips after a successful hand. Besides Sunday's antique-movers, Ben and Lawrence's own Alan M. were there for the game.
Needless to say, Our Bold Hero's unique blend of ignorance and skill won the day, and he walked away with over six dollars in actual money. All of which was wisely invested, not twenty-four hours later, in a reuben sandwich.
That was Sunday. Suprisingly, one of the most enjoyable moments of this earnings-filled weekend was Sunday night, after all the work, at Perkin's.
See how I mess with timelines? I'm practically Vonnegut.
First off, The Politician yelled at Jubb for being an irritating drunk, I yelled at The Politician for doing the same to me, and then we all mentally hugged Freshman Matt for being so consistently inoffensive…
Then we ordered some food. We mocked strangers and acquaintances and generally had a jolly good time, as I hope they still say somewhere or other. It was one of my more enjoyable conversations in recent memory, although that isn't saying too much since recent memory only stretches back for a couple of weeks.
But who needs good acquaintances or good times? I have money now! Money!