A Few Feet To Go Before I Sleep
Accidently bounced his email back right after I'd finished replying to it (which should give him a good impression of my competence) but at least I'm finally in touch with Prof Renner, the German who taught my "The European Novel" class in Freiburg.
If all goes well I'll have a hefty paper to write in the next week or two. And that "NR" will not turn into an "F" and make a jagged cut in my potentially-important GPA.
Also, we finished work on The Lawrentian early tonight, some time ago in fact (writing an email in German takes me a while), and I think it's a pretty good issue. I'm sure there are a few mistakes, but it looked nice when I left.
Tomorrow, now that the proverbial wheels are rolling with this and a few other businesses, I can thrift shop, and buy supplies, for Friday.
I still don't know what to go as… everything seems either lame or, if funny, too obvious.