The Ho-Down Goes To Houghton
So my folks are long gone; they drove off to Michigan Tech on Thursday morning to visit my other little brother, a highly-skilled fisherman and would-be engineer.
It was pretty awkward, admittedly, having them here.
For better or worse, I've always segregated the people in my life from one another. It's undoubtedly some sort of control freak thing and certainly not something you should try at home, kids. But that's how it is.
The consequences (besides having my two best friends in high school, on some level, heartily dislike each other) are as follows: After years of going elsewhere (usually Graham's) for entertainment, I have no idea what to do for fun when I'm stuck with my family.
We ate out quite a bit and saw Miracle on the Ultrascreen. I'm quite proud of the Ultrascreen.
Miracle, though set in Minnesoata, was less impressive. The usual Disney underdogs-win fare, with some not-sly-enough product placement to boot.
Josh stayed in my room for two nights, taking advantage of the Lawrence network and, otherwise, not doing much of anything at all. We played Halo, we watched Snatch. He listened to the kind of conversations I'm having daily these days.
And now I'm alone again. More relaxed, certainly. More productive, even.