Thanks to The Politician, I'm now in possession of some good pictures from last weekend's party, winter term's First Friday Party.
Better late than never.
This picture contains all of the King's Cup players, Jonas and The Politician excepted: here we're about to play on the table we requisitioned. From left to right: Ben, Jubb, Our Bold Hero himself, The Politician's fiancee, and Rock Show Girl. The awesome glass on the table, a gift from Arno, is mine.
Jubb pummeling Our Bold Hero in the most good-natured way possible, presumably in response to some of my patented cynicism. He's holding our racquetball for some reason.
Here's the legendary third bunk, previously deemed unsafe by a more sober Jonas (the second person from the left). We had quite a few people at the party, and this is one of the pictures that can prove that.
Here's drunken makeout picture number one; your first clue was the various drinks on the table (Jubb and I both have "our" glasses, as you can see). I'll have you know that Jonas and Aaron "slugs-and-shots" Jubb actually touched tongues; I'll leave you to guess whether or not The Politician is really making out with his future wife.
And here's a little something for the ladies. It seemed like Ben and I were a lot closer at the time, which explains the disgusted look on our respective faces.
Mock-homoeroticism aside, it was a good party. Next weekend: Jubb's birthday.