Ich Verstehe Nur "Bahnhof"
Wow, I hate these German "qwertz" keyboards. I broke my laptop the night before I left, however, and borrowed time on Arno's computer is better than nothing.
Germany (or Reutlingen, to be specific) is wonderful. I feel like Jo-Jo The Semi-Retarded Boy around all these native speakers, but with Arno (Graham's former exchange student and a friend of mine) here to translate anything I can't say, I can't get into too much trouble. I'm swearing off tasteless references to Hitler, just to be safe.
Last night (after a spicy Italian dinner) we went to the Rosegarten, an open-air bar that I'm sure Graham has been to dozens of times. I re-learned that it's a long way from comprehension to conversation, but Arno's friends are all friendly German volk and they didn't talk about soccer.
I managed to stay up all night, and now I'm on German time. I think we're going swimming in a bit.
Favorite new German word:
"Kellerkind" (or simply "Keller" for short).
n. (neut)
1. Slang A socially inept youth who prefers to spend most of his time indoors, esp. a pasty RPG-playing nerd who spends most of his time on the computer.
orig: "der Keller" (cellar) + "das Kind" (child)