The Ego and The Anti-Ego. That's how Prof Fritzell described Bartleby the Scrivener today, and though I didn't agree with his analysis of the text, I though the classification was useful.
The Ego: The Feminist. We talked before class today and she's overloading every term next year, going for a triple major while raising a daughter on the side. She's driven, intelligent, opinionated and independent, and I can't help but respect her.
The Anti-Ego: Our Bold Hero. When I'm around The Feminist I feel like a slacker, partially because I am a slacker. Still, I can't get that upset. I may not have Goals or a Master Plan, but I'm working on it, and though I envy her seeming maturity, I'm glad that I haven't had to grow up as fast.
That was much too smarmy at the end, but I liked the other parts. At lunch I sat with the usual crowd, asked Mollie some pointed questions about veterinary ethics, talked about Bloom's Shakespeare class, and participated in a huge tangent involving seagulls.
Also, Jinx apparently asked Jonas a week ago if he knew 'Crazy Dan', and he said he didn't. At least I'm not coming off as crazy in some circles. I talked to Jinx quite a few times today. That's pretty weird.
I talked to my parents today; things went well, though my dad has this odd idea that I should work for MnDOT this summer. MnDOT? What?
Well, that's enough. Later.