The Evil Barber is defeated, for now. I gave him a reasonable $1 tip, received a decent haircut, and watched ever-so-innocently as his boss encouraged him with a snappy "You're getting better at this!".
Prof Dintenfass remains the master. I came at the wrong meeting time, twenty minutes late, and was told, in a voice all-too-sincere, that I was only late because I'm one of those befuddled geniuses. I still don't know if he was patronizing me or simply overestimating me.
The rest of the meeting was good. I hear The Feminist whined to get into his Lit Comp: Fiction class as a Freshman, which makes me, the non-whiner, feel better, or at least less inferior. Apparently you get an automatic B in that class if you do all the work. Meeting minimum requirements! Now that I can do!
Otherwise, the day was pretty mundane. My German skills are not where they used to be, or even where they should be. I seem to have misplaced them, I guess.
Next year looks exciting. My schedule:
Term I
East Asian Classics in Translation
Intro to Geo (unless they offer an easier lab)
Milton and the 17th Century
Term II
Lit Comp: Fiction
American Lit: Civil War to Great Depression
Term III
Modern British Fiction (as in 1920-60)
Contemporary German Culture