Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Monday, February 18   11:14 PM

Blah. Brain is shut down. No thinking, no motivation.

Nevertheless, I will force myself to write; prepare for a labored and excrutiatingly boring entry, or even better, just don't bother reading it, my imaginary visitors.

Today I did nothing, the opposite of homework, and for that I'll pay tomorrow night, while I labor over my Freshman Studies essay, stress out about my Calc quiz the next day, and curse my own calculated stupidity, perhaps simultaneously.

I can't do work here at home. Since middle school I don't think I've done any homework here; I perfected my powers of procrastination, honed my sense of when necessary becomes urgent, and spent the next four or five years rushing to get everything done at the last minute at school, for the most part successfully. All of my diligent non-work was done here, and although I resisted years of ingrained laziness long enough to write my intro, there was no hope of my ever finishing another paragraph of my FS essay, not after all that training.

Instead of work, I watched Will Smith act (in the 'wonderfuly bittersweet' Six Degrees of Seperation), and I enjoyed it. The Fresh Prince has been granted a reprieve from my un-ending hatred, unless he releases another hit single, that is.
'Welcome to Miami' indeed.

Talking with Larson today, he came up with an idea that I'm adding to the Outside the Asylum (Dan's Webpage) official platform:

Spontaneous Camping Trip 2002

This isn't my brainchild, but I fully endorse the idea. As you know, Spontaneous Road Trip 2001 was so successful (despite frequent arguments for which the now-defunct apathetic-and-moody Dan takes partial credit) that Spontaneous Road Trip 2002 was planned almost immediately (and as far as I know, Graham and Larson have done most of the planning since).

The SRT-2002 platform includes:
1. Taking Arno to the east coast (New York region)
2. Tradition
3. Potential for mayhem, women and such
4. Visiting relatives back east

This however, pales before my current favorite, Spontaneous Camping Trip 2002, which seems to be both something I could actually get permission to do and something that requires less work on my part.

The SCT-2002 platform includes:
1. Taking Arno to some camping location
(Larson's northern shack or the Black Hills)
2. A much cheaper alternative to SRT-2002
3. 70% less festering hatred, with the added group work
4. The great outdoors and spacious tent-like quarters.

This is, of course, just a preliminary argument spawned this very night by Larson and myself, but the entire discussion should get out in the open as quickly as possible. All the potential SCT or SRT 2002 members (who is going this year, my fellow SRT-2001 members?), whoever they may be, need to weigh the options here presented, and any better ones they think of.

For now, this website endorses SCT-2002, a clear winner.

Vote SCT-2002! The smart choice!

With that, I end the politics, and bid you goodnight. I've got a big drive tomorrow and a long essay to write. Later all.

Postscript: That last sentence rhymed, which was accidental. I had a sentence loaded with assonance at lunch a few weeks ago, also accidental, but Greg didn't appreciate my boasts.

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