I spent a lot of time today doing homework; probably five or six hours. It was all reading, and it's really amazing how much better I think after so much reading, and how tired you can get just from reading for a long time.
Once I'd finished, for the most part, my mind was really cooking, and it was like I was on a higher plane of existence. Even my Counterstrike scores were better. Way better.
Today was a good day, partially because of my homework, I guess. It felt good to accomplish so much.
Also, Danielle called during one of my little breaks, which was a pleasant surprise. It's always fun to talk to my non-MSN/ICQ using friends, who otherwise don't really exist for me while I'm here at Lawrence. Out of sight, out of mind, as it were.
At lunch I went downstairs far too early, which meant no one was there to sit with save The Belarussian and her very Eurasian-looking crowd.
I was on the radio again tonight; The D.J had to cover someone else's shift so we were on when no one would be listening to us; as such, we called random phone numbers asking for requests, with mixed results.
In any case, I'm already up much too late, which means I have to end my blog with the typical 'it's late' cop-out ending. Later.