Well, I'm off for the weekend. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Everyone, I should actually say, except for Mr. Discretion, who tried to use this webpage to ruin a very important friendship I am working hard to fix. Mr. Discretion, perhaps you should learn some social tact, whoever you are. The same goes for any possible Ms. Discretion, although that's perhaps less a jab at anyone than my attempt at gender equity.
I guess from now on I'll mention only people that no one who reads this web page knows, like The Poet or The Astrologer or Manney Anderson, but I can't say I enjoy the burdens of an expanded readership.
Although perhaps I'm merely a hypocrite for asking such favors; I was not so tactful myself when Graham's web page was busy earning it's motto, and perhaps this was simply poetic justice. In any case, my mentions of notable personas were always meant to be few and far between to begin with, and now they will most certainly remain that way.
Mr. Discretion, be you male or female, I forgive you your indiscretion, but I would ask that, as you are not capable of reading my page without shooting your mouth off to everyone, you cease to visit. As I said before, this was a quiet mountain town of a web page, and you've turned it into Aspen. You know who you are, even if I don't.
From the offended parties, I ask only forgiveness, my reasons aside.
There will be no more on this subject.
I'll do a mondo update monday or so, once I've gotten some primo x-mas presents from my relatives. Although with my reading list so backed up, I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I asked for too many books.
Speaking of books, I finished Wittgenstein's Mistress a few days ago, but I'm done with that author. If all that modernist fiction has to offer is David Markson's pompous ramblings, there's no use in continuing. Not that I should talk about pompous rambling, what really annoys me is all his name dropping.
Markson's, Graham. Relax.
I saw Lord of the Rings yesterday night, which was cool. It didn't blow me away but I'm glad that there's a good movie version of those quite excellent books. I also went to Poncho and Lefty's, but only later realized that I saw three of the waitresses there at Perkin's later that night. Perhaps I should stop eating at Poncho and Lefty's.
Anyways, everyone is yelling, which means we're late for x-mas, which means that we have to go, which means that I'm off. Later.