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Because everyone loves a farce

Sunday, December 9   1:52 PM

I'm not going to pretend that my life is more exciting than it is; I enjoy it just fine, and that's enough for me. In other words, I didn't do anything last night, and I'm trying not to feel guilty, when I know that it was only my own misanthropic laziness that kept me from social activities like a trip to the steakhouse or the Christmas dance.

I did watch The Big Lebowski again, and a few episodes of South Park. Same old, same old.

This morning I was terrified beyond your comprehension, when I discovered that the server on campus was down. No internet. No email. MSN was my only contact with the outside world. I tried again and again to play Counterstrike… again and again… nothing. There was nothing. It was too horrible to contemplate.

So I thought about albinos. Do you know anything about albinos? I know that there are albino versions of prettymuch every animal (frogs, snakes, bison…) but that they don't last long in nature. I'd imagine that the cold-blooded animals would have an especially hard times. Likewise, human albinos, at least in my experience (meaning, of course, what I gleaned from the albino character in Me, Myself, & Irene), are vulnerable to the sun's horrible UV rays. Do albinos get any abilities to make up for this deficiency? Like super-strength or super-intelligence? It just seems wrong that nature would create weaker people without compensating in some way.

Then my internet came back. No plans for today; mayhaps some reading.

I swallowed floss this morning, and it's still bothering me. I don't know how someone could swallow floss, but I just did, and I don't know what's gonna happen. It's going to preoccupy my thinking the whole day. On a brighter note, I may or may not have a study session today with some of the all-stars from my English class. Enlightened One and The Poet and Free Spirit and Wacky Ed; that should be cool. Although The Misinterpreter may also drop by (he lives just down the hall from Wacky Ed), and I can't abide his constant… well… you know… of the texts.

You see, The Misinterpreter is not dumb, as far as I can tell. He's quite well-intentioned, but nevertheless, consistently and predictably, he misinterprets every text we read, be it a simple sonnet or Aphra Behn's The Rover. Shakespeare was a flaming homosexual. Chaucer's The Wife of Bath was a streetwalker. Et cetera ad infinitum. Also, he always prefaces his comments with "I thought it was interesting" or "Yeah, how I saw that was". The whole class involuntarily cringes when they hear that, because we're all too timid and nice to call him out, but we know that he's going to say something moronic. He's getting better though, in the sense that he doesn't talk as much. Then again, I'm done with him after Wednesday. Man, I want another English class, but I can only take one this year. My brain is going to turn into a fine paste during the next term.

In other news, I'm told that Arno (The Lanky German) will be visiting this summer, mayhaps. We'll see. That'd be cool, though.

I hate Fruitopia because it uses vague concepts and clever marketing to sell crappy drinks like 'Strawberry Passion Awareness' at inflated prices. But I love Sobe for the same reasons. Well, that's hypocrisy for you. Later.

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